Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Morning Prayer by Rhonda Jones

Lord, when I open my eyes this morning, my first thoughts are upon you and you alone.

Before my mind begins to wander and I become preoccupied with my responsibilituies for the day, I commit my mind and thoughts unto you

On my bed I lay silently as I meditate on your goodness and glory.

I listen with an open heart and receive your divine wisdom and direction.

I cast down every negative thought and fiery dart of the enemy that will lead me in the wrong direction.

I claim your peace that pass all understand. I have the mind of Christ.

Lord, I commit my body unto to you this morning as a living sacrifice, wholly and acceptable, and ready for service

I am ready and willing to give a helping hand, a word of encouragement, and carry out any task unto you.

I am your servant and a reflection of your love.

My body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. It is fearfully and wonderfully made.

I commit my body unto to you today and will honor it by giving it the nourishment and exercise that it needs to stay healthy and whole

By faith, I possess the power of the holy spirit to help me avoid temptation and walk in victory.

Today is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it.

I will give full attention to this day only. I will love with all my heart., Listen will all ears.

And see with great intensity taking notice of every kind gesture, every hurting heart, every laughable moment and the beauty of all you created.

I will perform every task even the smallest and routine endeavors with focus and purpose.

I release the memories of the past and leave the future in God’s hands.

I will live today with the zest, love, joy and and enthusiasm life offers.

I have so much to be thankful for

I release the need to worry be anxious or depressed today.

God is in control of all my circumstances and working all things out for my highest good even if I can’t see it right now

I commit myself unto the Lord I commit any emotional hurt, physical pain and distress.

And by faith claim my wholeness and healing now.

I walk by an unmoveable and unshakable faith.

A faith that moves obstacles out of my way and gives me the strength to endure them.

I am successful in everything I do for whatrver good thing I touch prospers in time.

I never give up or give in to discouragement.

I command every giant to get out of my way.

My steps are ordered by the Lord and I walk in God’s divine plan and purpose for my life.

Right now today at this very moment I am whole in complete in Christ. All my needs are met.

I feel light and carefree and full of love in God’s power.

I open my eyes into to a new day filled with God’s wonder, miracle and adventure.

And I take Jesus wherever I go.
